Program Speakers
We met with some fantastic organizations and speakers that offered different perspectives of migration dynamics in Palermo. These included activists, journalists, academics, artists, politicians, and social workers.

Former Mayor of Palermo
One of the biggest champions of migrant rights in the world, Leoluca established his political career by fighting against the Sicilian Mafia during his time in office. As a constitutional lawyer, he has won several cases against the Italian state to protect migrants rights. His experience and character offered us an inspiring lecture.

Researcher & Activist
Our first speaker, Professor Sciurba, currently runs a legal clinic of migration rights in the University of Palermo. In her lecture, we learned the legal inconsintensies regarding the status of asylum seekers and refugees in Italy. Despite her academic background, she remains a strong activist for refugee rights.

At the University of Palermo, Professor Di Maio lectures on Mediterranean migration and post-colonial studies. In addition to learning about contemporary Italian history, we learned about her involvement in exhibitions of art about the 'Resignification of Black Mediterranean'.

Social Worker & Co-Founder of Molti-Volti
By implementing social responsibility in his endeavors, Claudio began his non-profit that employs refugees and features dishes from their regions. His space is also used for a gathering space for different poltical action groups. We learned how to create impact at the community level for refugees.

Journalist & Author
Working for RAI Television, Lidia has covered the refugee arrivals since they began. Apart from reporting, she raises awareness about migrant rights. In 2018, she published "Tears of Salt: A Doctor's Story", which gives a graphic account of the condition of refugees in Italy from a doctor working in the front lines.

Living in the Ballarò neighborhood in Palermo, Francesco collaborated with counterparts and traveled to Northern Africa to photograph and document the sex trade involved in migration. He has photographed the Voodoo Rights in Africa; moreover, his powerful pictures have humanized the image of migrants.

Chiara Guibilaronat​​
A cultural geographer, Dr. Chiara presented an interesting analysis of race dynamics in Italy. Her work in borders criticized the current notion that Palermo is all accepting of all races. Her lecture offered us a different view of racial dynamics in Palermo and in Italy. Moreover, we were exposed to the touristification problem in Palermo.

President of Arci Palermo
A social activist, Fausto's work focuses in offering a space and a voice for migrants in the Ballarò neighborhood. His space is a place where refugees can express themselves and also ask for adequate legal information. We learnt a great deal about community inclusion of refugees.

Head of Borderline-Europe Sicily
Judith Gleitze
Based in Germany, this organization's goal is to counter disinformation Judith's lecture helped us understand the flaws of the different receiving centers that Italy has for refugees. Moreover, we significantly learned about the 'hotspot' approach of receiving refugees.

Our final lecturer that spoke to us in Florence, Andrea discussed migration policies and their effectivity in different regions of Italy. We had a clear understanding about the effectiveness of different state reception centers alongside the varying political and public contestations of refugees.